Top Job Search Mistakes- Don’t Commit These Common Errors

SmartTalent - Job Search MistakesSearching for a job, whether right out of college, while unemployed, or while employed can be very challenging. When you start your search there are plenty of common mistakes that job seekers can make no matter how experienced they are in the job search process. If you avoid the common mistakes discussed in this post, you will find success at the end of the tunnel.

Overlooking Typos or Grammar Mistakes in a Resume

One of the most common mistakes job seekers run into is overlooking a typo or grammar mistake in their resume. Job seekers need to know that spell check will not catch every single mistake in a document. The best way to avoid this error is to read a resume and cover letter out loud or even reading it backwards. These methods can help you catch mistakes in the content you have written. Have your documents edited and proofread by a trusted mentor, colleague, or family member. Also, double-check the email address to which you are sending the documents as well as the greeting and company name.

You Are Unorganized

Being unorganized during a job search is a recipe for disaster. Disorganization will cause your job search to last longer and it will be ineffective. This may also cause you to suffer from more stress. The more organized you are, the more likely it is that you will be able to schedule job interviews and even receive job offers. The first step in organizing your job search is to set aside time each day for the search aspect of it. It should be the same time each day so you can get into a rhythm.

Selling Yourself Short

Another common mistake in a job search today is selling yourself short as a candidate. When searching for a job, you are effectively a salesperson. This means that you have to sell yourself as a product to employers and recruiters looking for candidates. You need to speak highly of yourself in your resume and cover letter. It is also important to select people who will provide potential employers with glowing recommendations of you and your work history. When writing your resume, make sure it focuses on the results you secured at your previous jobs.

Improper Networking

If you do not know how to network, you are putting yourself at a major disadvantage. Proper networking is an excellent way to find a new job, but if you are doing it wrong, you will miss out on making new connection and opportunities to learn from others in your industry. Take this into account when conducting your job search and be sure to make and keep connections fresh.

Contact the experienced Lynnwood recruiting staff at Smart Talent today to discuss your job search techniques.

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